Cruise Control Integration

Integrate JArchitect with CruiseControl

Setting up the JArchitect Report in the CruiseControl Dashboard

    Step 1 : Create a jsp file and name it as "jarchitect.jsp" in-cruisecontrol-bin-2.8.4\webapps\cruisecontrol

    Step 2 : Add the below content to your "jarchitect.jsp"

    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/cruisecontrol-jsp11.tld" prefix="cruisecontrol"%>
    <iframe name="JArchitectFrame" id="cloverFrame" style="width:1100; height:500;"
    marginheight="10" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0"
    src="<%= artifacts_url %>/JArchitectOut/JArchitectReport.html" width="100%">
    Step 3 : open "main.jsp" file.It is present in cruisecontrol-bin-2.8.4\webapps\cruisecontrol
    add the below tag

    <cruisecontrol:tab name="JArchitect" label="JArchitect Report" >
         <%@ include file="jarchitect.jsp" %>

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    Configuring the server

    Step 4 : Create a .bat file and name it "JArchitectBuild.bat" and add the command line bellow

    set JArchitectConsole="C:\Program Files\JArchitectPro\JArchitect.Console.exe"
    set EXEC=%JArchitectConsole% "D:\Program Files\CruiseControl\projects\connectfour\ConnectFour.jdproj"
    echo %EXEC%

    Related Links::
    JArchitect.Console.exe command line options

    Step 5 : Config file "Config.xml"



        <project name="connectfour">


    <schedule interval="300">

            <ant anthome="apache-ant-1.7.0" buildfile="projects/${}/build.xml"/>

    <!-- for integrating JArchitect reports -->

    <exec command="JArchitectBuild.bat" workingdir="D:\Program Files\CruiseControl" errorstr="build failed"





                    <artifactspublisher dest="artifacts/${}" file="projects/${}/target/${}.jar"/>

          <!-- for integrating JArchitect reports -->

                    <artifactspublisher dest="artifacts/${}" subdirectory="JArchitectOut" dir="projects/${}/JArchitectOut"/>





Related Links:: Sample Report

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