Licensing and Upgrade


Don't delay in experiencing the advantages of JArchitect. Select the appropriate license for your requirements and become part of the community of content developers who have revolutionized their Java development journey.

In order to provide an official quote, please contact us at with the information below:

  • Number of JArchitect for Developer Edition seats,
  • Number of JArchitect for DevOps Edition seats,
  • Number of Lines of Code (up to 1M, up to 5M, more than 5M)

>> Check out the Comparison between Developer and DevOps Editions

Renew your JArchitect Subscription

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JArchitect for Developer is dedicated to developers that use JArchitect interactive UI throught the VisualJArchitect.exe standalone executable.

Each machine on which JArchitect for Developer is activated, counts as a license seat.

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JArchitect for DevOps is dedicated to build servers and Continuous Integration (CI) servers that integrate JArchitect analysis into their build processes and produce JArchitect reports.

Each physical machine, each virtual machine (VM), each agent, on which JArchitect for DevOps is activated, counts as a license seat.

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JArchitect Professional is dedicated to:

  • Developers that use JArchitect interactive UI throught the VisualJArchitect.exe standalone executable.
  • Build servers and Continuous Integration (CI) servers that integrate JArchitect analysis into their build processes and produce JArchitect reports.

Each physical machine, each virtual machine (VM), each agent, on which JArchitect Professional is activated, counts as a license seat.

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How the JArchitect licensing works?

Benefit from 20% renew discount
and multi-year subscription discount.
Discounts are cumulative.

Read the End User Licence Agreement here

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