Plugins Integration with PMD, FindBugs, CheckStyle and CPD
JArchitect provides many interesting features to exploit all data extracted from the analysis phase, and it's very interesting to use
these features to exploit easily the analysis result from other embeded static analysis tools like:
JArchitect supports the
Code Query Linq (CQLinq) for maximum flexibility. it will help you answer in seconds your questions about your code base.
And it's very interesting to use it to query the data extracted from external static analysis tools. JArchitect provides many useful CQLinq queries to query the plugins data:
And you can create your custom CQLinq queries to query the data extracted from the analysis of JArchitect and the other tools.
For example we can search for popular methods containing PMD problems; these methods could have high priority because these issues could impact many other methods.
Or search for most classes violating the Pmd rules:
Another interesting feature that can be useful to exploit the external tools data is the
trend monitoring. The goal is to have a chart of The PMD violations evolution. It's very useful for a manager to follow
the projects quality between versions.
JArchitect is also open to the other static analysis tools. You can refer
here to discover how you can plug another tool.